Documentary (Discovery) Campus idiotic requirements to attend their master school

I was finally happy that in year 2009, the Discovery (Documentary) Campus Master School was free to attend. Previously I had attended to their event in Belfast 2007, met some interesting persons, like Sean Langan who had made documentary series on what’s really goes on in Afghanistan and find out that Angus McQueen who was chief editor of Channel4 Documentaries haven’t even got my proposal for commissioning as it was probably deleted by some arrogant young assistant like it happens in BBC.

When I sent the proposal to Angus McQueen again, he had already used his budget and left this post after two weeks anyway.

This time I was anxiously waiting to attend to Documentary Campus hoping German Social System to take care of me during their course time and finally get my documentary projects on previously uncovered social-cultural issues with my original viewpoint and proved international interest executed. Those projects has been with me past five years with the experiences I had living in two years (2002-2004) Southern Estonia and 2006-2008 in Belfast.

This was a stupid hope. They announced their requirements to send huge amount of bureaucratic paperwork and everything in 14 copies.

Why they do not have a simple copy machine there? Sure, based on the amount of public funding they get from European Union Media program they must have money to buy it.

Sounds similar situation for me when in early days of Baltic States independence (1995) I and another person from Estonia was invited to offshore financing conference. There we met two ministries from a country called Belize, who took us to nice dinner, paid for it and gave us a letter with the interest to establish diplomatic relationships between our two countries.

So, we visited Estonian Foreign Ministry where we were told that this kind of country does not exist. Afterwards I wondered, why they had spent all the money to buy six luxury Mercedes car and didn’t leave anything to buy a world map.

And there was a requirement to send your CV. These kinds of document haven’t helped me at all in my life since 2002 at all. I first wrote it when got back to Estonia from New York with the hope to get settled there again, earn myself honest living and help Estonians. Then I noticed that after I had left in 1998, now mostly incompetent persons have somehow get to work on their posts and saw a create opportunity for me to offer better skills to do the work better than they can.  

So I stated my experiences during Soviet Occupation regime when I was supporting the talent which was not supported by communistic regime and how it helped Estonia to gain independence again which was internationally known as “singing revolution”.

And wrote about my experiences how after our independence, I helped to build infrastructure by selling technology and software applications written by me to local banks and international companies establishing their subsidiaries in Estonia and how I left afterwards to the world with this business.

And about my experiences how I managed to generate international interest to my software applications, what kind of deals I was able to close when being alone, what I could have archived if I would have extra support; how I was able to attract several VC firms and why I wasn’t able to accept their offers.

I also stated my personal characteristics as being an honest and intelligent person with analytical mind.

Rather than hiring honest and intelligent persons, those people who are asking CV’s sent me some idiotic recommendation to go politics instead getting me to do a decent job.

That’s shows clearly how corrupted those persons mind are who are asking CV’s. I had especially stated that “I’m an honest and intelligent person”, so how can anyone recommend me to join politics?

Being back in UK actively seeking work, I noticed that I could provide much better specialist skills than persons they are usually recruiting. So, I paid to the “specialist” who changed my experiences and previous achievements to the responsibilities what I have taken. However, sending this CV to British agencies I got answered that “British employers does not tolerate persons who take responsibilities”.

So, CV’s has been a useless peace to shit to get anything decent done in today’s corrupted world, especially when you want again to produce decent documentaries.

I never figured out what the “motivation statement” should contain. When I have two projects planned each wih two years process living on those regions, and ready for production for several years, sure I’m interested finally to produce those?

 And I have also difficulties to send 14 DVDs of my previous directing work. This work was mostly done switching between four leg mounted cameras online and directing camera operators to make music videos. If I had a possibility to use Betacam for few hours on those days, I was able to add interesting angles. However, I can insure that the result was much better than most of the work I have seen nowadays when young persons have all the technology and time to do use.

And anyway, I wanted to be only producer to my projects and would have hired a director who stills knows what professional cinematography is about. 

 Even sending a self presentation was a problem for me as living now in the streets Spain, I had lost three mobile phones this year and do not have any resources to buy them more because those kind of things are robbed anyway after few months.  


And why I need my self presentation? Good documentaries are about people relevant to your topic and not showing your ego in the screen.

And why they are asking those to make 14 copies of DVDs? Sure, in current digital age it would be more simple to upload them to Youtube and those persons can watch them there?

And I’m asking the public question. Why Documentary Campus has declared so idiotic requirements to attend their courses now?